Mush (UK)

Mush (UK)
  • Concert
zondag, mei 06, 2018 Open: 15.00 Aanvang: 17.00 Prijs: €5
Songs earthed in nature

Nicky Rushton’s songs are earthed in nature, they have big skies.  The harmonies are sublime and the music is velvet.  Mush serve their stories with empathic, organic arrangements which flow from the heart of the song directly to the listener. Mush is an eclectic mix of folk, wrapped in a quilt of pop/country and blues, classically bound with rich pre-Rapahelite colour. Their stories and sound spans centuries.
Mush, with Nicky Rushton as frontwoman and chief songwriter, evolved out of the success of ‘All Because The Lady Loves’ (Rushton/Collins) (Roundabout Records) who achieved great success in the 80’s and 90’s, releasing 4 studio albums and touring extensively in the UK and Europe. Mush have been together with Rushton/Van Jellie as its core, since the mid 90’s. 



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