WORDT VERPLAATST Skinny Molly (US) + Honeybadger (NL)

WORDT VERPLAATST Skinny Molly (US) + Honeybadger (NL)
  • Concert
zondag, jun 02, 2024 Open: 19:00 Aanvang: 20:30 Prijs: VVK: €7,50 Deur: €12,50

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Terug van weggeweest!

In samenwerking met CW Productions kunnen we deze avond laten plaatsvinden. 
Deze organisatie onder leiding van chantal schriekenberg en vrijwilligers organiseren veelal muziek avonden voor mensen met een beperking of laag budgetVan Hollandse avond tot pop en Vanavond dus Rock

Skinny Molly komt weer naar De Groote Weiver voor een exclusieve show. 
Het was ze de vorige keer zo goed bevallen dat ze weer terug willen komen. 
In het voorprogramma hebben we Honeybadger weten te strikken. 

Boekingen zijn gesloten.

Skinny Molly

Skinny Molly

Skinny Molly was founded by guitarist/vocalist Mike Estes (formerly of Lynyrd Skynyrd and Blackfoot) original Molly Hatchet guitarist Dave Hlubek and Nashville, TN studio drummer Kurt Pietro who also played drums for Blackfoot. Originally slated to do a one-off tour of Europe in 2004, Skinny Molly has, fourteen years later, become one of the hardest working and popular rock bands out of the southern United States. “That first tour went great,” Estes says. “so we decided to keep it going.” From 2004 to 2007 (Hlubeck went back to Molly Hatchet in 2005) the band had different members come and go. By 2008, the line up was solidified for the next nine years; Estes, Pietro, former Rossington Band and Blackfoot guitarist/vocalist Jay Johnson and  Grand Ole Opry stalwart bassist Luke Bradshaw. They toured relentlessly and recorded three albums; “No Good Deed” (2008)  “Haywire Riot” (2012) and “Here For a Good Time” (2014) “We did the ‘Three in Thirty’ tour after the first record. Three continents in thirty days. It was nuts. We’ve been staying on the road or in the studio a whole bunch since then. The plan is to keep going as long as people keep coming to see us.” Estes said.

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